Vehicle Wraps

Vehicle wraps can turn your car, truck, van, or trailer into a cost-effective mobile on wheels. A well-designed wrap can establish your company’s brand for less money than any other advertising medium. Wrapped vehicles generate an enormous amount of  impressions an hour (see ‘Industry Facts‘ for more).

Before and After Pics


Designer Wraps guarantees your satisfaction, so we keep you informed and involved throughout the process of your vehicle wrap, from concept to completion. We will even provide graphically-enhanced images of how your vehicle will look once your vehicle wrap is complete. Look to Designer Wraps for:


For more info or to setup a free consultation, please contact us at 856-765-4640 or

©Copyright 2016. Designer Wraps®. All rights reserved. Designer Wraps® is a United States Federal Trademark. Any unauthorized use of the name is strictly prohibited and will be upheld to the fullest extent of the law.
Headquartered in New Jersey, USA.